words of clay....: Onimonipea Words: "Friday, February 22, 2008
Onimonipea Words
Here are some Japanese onimonipea words (words that sound like what they are):
I don't know why the sound is doubled in these kind of words, but I think it helps make a better effect.
za za ('zah')- hard rain
shito shito ('shee-to')- soft rain
mochi mochi ('moh-chee')- chewy (Mochi is actually a kind of chewy rice)
sara sara ('sah-rah')- smooth
zara zara ('zah-rah')- rough
tsuru tsuru ('ts-oo-roo')- slippery
bata bata ('bah-tah')- the sound your slippers make on a hard floor
pun pun ('poon')- an angry expression similar to 'this stinks!'
doki doki ('doh-kee')- nervous (supposed to sound like your heart beating fast)
waku waku ('wah-koo')- excited
pika pika ('pee-kah')- bright, shiny (the stars are pika pika)
pyu pyu ('pyoo')- wind whistling
goro goro ('goh-roh')- thunder loudly
won won (rhymes with John)- bow wow for dog
nya nya ('nee-ah')- meow
gera gera ('geh-rah')- guffaw
shiku shiku ('shee-koo')- sob
paku paku ('pah-koo')- eat heartily
guu guu ('goo')- be fast asleep
beta beta ('beh-tah') sticky
and my personal favorite...
fwa fwa ('f-wah')- fluffy
Posted by Elsbeth at 12:46 PM"
火曜日, 3月 11, 2008
some sound effects
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